All videos are in chronological order.

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Cybersecurity Investment Tax Allowance
Understanding the Procurement Process – Transition to Implementation
2022 Post Budget Analysis Meeting
Business Outlook 2022
Trinidad & Tobago Chamber of Industry & Commerce 2022 Annual Business Meeting
Scaling Up are you ready?
Monitoring what is said in the media about you
Business Insights 3 Helping you navigate the Entrepreneurial Eco-system
Business Insights Episode 2 How the Energy Transition Impacts you
Business Insights Episode 1 Driving Export -led growth how to get it done
Masters of Industry Lunch and Learn: Pivoting through the pandemic for MSMEs 2021 Series Edition 4
Masters of Industry Lunch and Learn: Pivoting through the pandemic for MSMEs 2021 Series Edition 3
Disciplinary Practices & Procedures
Best Practices in Industrial Relations
UPGRADE! Improving HR's Strategic Value: Conversations on Diversity
UPGRADE! Improving HR's Strategic Value: Working from Home: Risk and Opportunities
UPGRADE! Improving HR's Strategic Value: Strategic Human Resources Management in a Covid-19 World
Business Continuity Transitioning through a Pandemic - The Financial Way Forward
Beyond 2020…What are the Business Opportunities?
Business Continuity Transitioning through a Pandemic - Going Digital
Business Continuity Transitioning through a Pandemic - Your Human Capital
Beyond 2020...What can MSMEs do differently and Why?
Beyond 2020... How to Survive and Thrive
Reshape Your Business Model
Rebooting After Covid-19
Companies Amendment Act 2019
40 Hour Mediation Skills Workshop
Combatting Covid-19: Is Your Workplace Ready?
The Beverage Container Bill: How Will it Impact You?
Uturn Ahead
Skimmers, Scammers & Scanners
Demystifying Customs Processes
Integrating Electronic Solutions in Your Business
Silence is NOT Golden
Immigrant Labour: Recruiting the Right Way
To List or Not to List
Lets Talk Trash!
Succeeding in Guyana
Corporate Structuring - Organising Your Business for Growth
BI Marketing Series: Part 4 - Decoding Digital Marketing
The Heart of Health Management
Firing Up the Food Industry
Retirement Planning
Improve Sales and Customer Engagement Skills
2018 Annual Post Budget Analysis
BI Marketing Series:  Part 3 - Get the Point of Sale
BI Marketing Series:  Part 2 - My Social Media Mix
BI Marketing Series:  Part 1 - Brand Equity Unveiling the Magic
Legacy of Love Pre-recorded Webinar
The T & T Chamber's President Speech for The Annual Business Luncheon 2018
Equip Your Business for Disaster
Averting a Social Crisis
Business Outlook 2018/2019
Caring for the Bottom Line
Governance in a Changing world
Make Bold Moves to Change the Predictable Outcome
Boosting the Private Sector Engine: International Experiences from across The Americas by Rocio Medina-Bolivar
Mr. Ronald Hinds President of the Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce, a position he has held since March 2017. In that role, he oversees the strategic, fiscal and programmatic goals for the Chamber and serves as its chief spokesperson for economic development and business in Trinidad and Tobago. Before becoming president, Mr. Hinds served as Vice President and Senior Vice-President.
Learn about our new Business Insights Series!
Rethinking Intellectual Property when Going Global
The Impact of Digital Transformation on the End User’s Experience
Insights into the Agricultural & Agro-Processing Industry
Restructuring Options in the Current Economic Environment
Soar Above the Recession - A Business Leaders Conference
Critical illness, Non-Communicable Diseases and Keyman Insurance
Champions of Business 2017
Insuring Against Natural Disasters
An Export Toolkit: Market Selection to Profit Optimization
2017 Annual Post Budget Analysis
Financing Innovation: Accessing Private Capital
Entrepreneurship: A Female Perspective
Real Estate Investments Deriving Lucrative Cash Flows
Insights & Impacts of Digital Currency on Your Business
Leveraging Technology in a Changing Landscape
Learn about our new Business Insights Series!
USD vs Local Currency Bonds – How Safe are they as an Investment?
This segment is designed to provide technical assistance to Exporters, Importers and Service Providers to better understand and take advantage of the opportunities in the CARICOM-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement.
In the present economic climate, every cent matters! Fraud can severely impact your organization's bottom line. What you may have been able to survive in the past, has become far more difficult to manage; unless you have sound, up to date awareness and knowledge.
You're invited to join us an insightful breakfast meeting.
Calling all policy makers, payroll and administration team leaders,
Financial industry, accounting and compliance professionals in private and non-private sectors.
This session addresses the following questions on Family Businesses: 

How can family businesses settle family conflicts to realize desired harmony and productivity?
How can family businesses overcome the challenges involved in the transfer of leadership r from one generation to the next?
How can family businesses safeguard their values and overcome the “rags to riches” syndrome.
The Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce hosted a one day seminar  in collaboration with the National Insurance Board of Trinidad and Tobago. 

A seminar that opens the national community to an imperative discourse on the future of our National Insurance System.
How Social Is Your Media? -a business breakfast session held by the T&T Chamber’s Corporate Social Responsibility Committee was held on Tuesday April 4, 2017.

In this session, Brevard Nelson highlighted some of the various aspects of social media and delivered insight into content marketing, the use of social media engagement strategies; the utilization of various platforms, monitoring and measurement.
The “Skills for Global Services” (Global Services Promotion Programme) seeks to position Trinidad and Tobago as a digital hub for business through capacity building. The ultimate outcome of this IT development thrust is an increase in the export capacity of the country and the creation of employment in the Information Technology-enabled Services”.
Our esteemed speakers directly share innovative strategies they’ve used to survive and grow their businesses.
The “Employment and Labour Relations Committee Training Workshop: Mastering Employers Contracts” event was held on April 28th 2017. Mr. Gregory Pantin conveys to employers and managers a baseline understanding of the legal and commercial impact of the Contract of Employment; this is an essential tool for increasing certainty as well as managing both legal and commercial risk.
Our esteemed speakers directly share innovative strategies they’ve used to survive and grow their businesses. This session will equip you with the knowledge and skills to:   

Navigate in this “New Reality”  
Use innovative strategies to survive and thrive in times of crisis  
Leverage ICT by using smarter solutions to deal with tough times  
Make exceptional service matter
This session addresses the following questions on Family Businesses: 
How can family businesses settle family conflicts to realise desired harmony and productivity?
This session addresses the following questions on Family Businesses: 
How can family businesses settle family conflicts to realise desired harmony and productivity?