UPGRADE! Improving HR’s Strategic Value: Strategic Human Resources Management in a Covid-19 World
Upgrade! Improving HR’s Strategic Value
Taking Action to Protect Lives and Livelihoods
The Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce notes the initiative to amend the Public Health Ordinance to include penalties which will make it an offence for failure to wear a mask in public places…
T&T Chamber Announces Board of Directors for 2020/2021
The Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce held a Special Meeting to handle the business of the Annual Meeting today, August 19, 2020 which was hosted virtually. Following the meeting, we are pleased to announce the following…
Renewing efforts to flatten the curve
The Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce notes the number of new cases of COVID-19. The re-emergence especially as a number of cases are of un-known origin must be of major concern to every citizen. Given our land space and the size of our population, there is an increased need to control the spread of the virus, in the best interest of citizens and for our long-term economic wellbeing.