The Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce’s (T&T Chamber) Strategic plan for 2022-2024 indicates its vision to be the Champion of Business towards the development of a robust and sustainable national economy; with keen focus on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) growth and expansion into the global market. Accordingly, the strategic intent of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago is to diversify the markets for non-energy exports.
Our Trade Mission to Jamaica, a member of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), is open to ALL businesses and will support our goal to enhance the business community’s competitive advantage, assist in providing opportunities for business expansion, increased foreign exchange earnings and wealth generation through export-led growth.
Participating in the trade mission offers myriad advantages, including market access, networking with industry leaders, knowledge transfer, exposure to investment prospects, and potential business partnerships. It also provides insights into Jamaica’s business landscape and regulatory framework.
Whether you trade in goods or services, join our Trade Mission Delegation, and take advantage of several value-added benefits:
- Pre-Mission “Doing Business in Jamaica” Workshop – June 5th, 2024
- Meeting with key government and regulatory agencies in Jamaica
- Participation of a diverse array of business sectors
- Tailor-made Business-to-Business (B2B) meetings
- Social networking event with key stakeholders in Jamaica
- Tracking system from lead generation
- Market Intelligence & Strengthened Trade Capacity
- Support & Guidance on utilizing E-commerce to boost exports
During June 25-29, 2024, the trade mission to Jamaica which will explore opportunities for trade in the following sectors:
- Services
- Manufacturing
- Logistics
- Financial Services
- Agriculture & Agro-processing
- Education & Training
- Tourism
- Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals
- Entertainment & Creative Industries
- Food & Beverage
- Beauty & Cosmetics
- FinTech and Craft
The Mission is open to all businesses that are interested in exploring this CARICOM market. The Jamaica Trade Mission is being spearheaded by the T&T Chamber’s Trade and Business Development Unit and supported by exporTT.
- Doing Business in Jamaica Session (Pre Mission-Event)
- Airfare
- Hotel Accommodation
- Ground Transportation
- Opening Ceremony & Social Networking Event
- B2B Matchmaking
- Site Visits
Airfare Assistance Grant under the EBI can be accessed via the following link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/B2LS8GD
exporTT Airfare Assistance Grant Application
The AAG offsets the airfare (at economy rate) of qualifying SMEs for one (1) person per company for their participation at Trade Missions, up to the value of [Five Thousand Trinidad and Tobago Dollars (TT$5,000.00) for regional travel OR Ten Thousand Trinidad and Tobago Dollars (TT$10,000.00)] for extra-regional travel. Kindly note that the ceiling of coverage is $20,000 TTD per company per year.
To determine eligibility and to apply Click https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/B2LS8GD
Thank you to our Sponsors

To Confirm your participation in TBDU’s Trade Mission to Jamaica in June 2024, follow the steps below:
- STEP 1: Complete Participation Registration Form: Application Form JM Trade Mission
- STEP 2: Complete Participation Agreement Form – Participation Agreement – JM Trade Mission
- STEP 3: Purchase Tickets
A trade mission refers to a regional or international excursion undertaken by government representatives and entrepreneurs, coordinated by a government agency or Business Support Organization aimed at exploring global business prospects, understanding foreign markets, and fostering inter-company relationships.
As part of the TT Chamber’s trade mission delegation, you can except tailored Business to Business Meetings (B2B) with industry experts, guided tours, and cultural or educational engagements
While there's no fixed quota, a minimum of 15 participants is customary, with 15-25 attendees being optimal.
The trade mission itinerary includes an inaugural ceremony attended by government officials and private sector entities, followed by business-to-business meetings, a cocktail reception, and guided tours.
The trade mission endeavours to boost exports from Trinidad and Tobago to Jamaica, fostering business opportunities and strengthening economic ties between the two countries. It acts as a platform for businesses to establish partnerships, expand networks, and promote trade exchanges.
Businesses, entrepreneurs, industry professionals, and government representatives from Trinidad and Tobago keen on exploring opportunities in Jamaica are welcome to participate.
A diverse array of industries will be covered, spanning agriculture, manufacturing, technology, tourism, finance, and healthcare. Participants from various sectors are encouraged to partake and explore potential synergies with Jamaican counterparts.
Participating in the trade mission offers myriad advantages, including market access, networking with industry leaders, knowledge transfer, exposure to investment prospects, and potential business partnerships. It also provides insights into Jamaica's business landscape and regulatory framework.
For inquiries and additional details about the trade mission, please reach out to the Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce or visit the official website for updates, FAQs, and relevant resources.
Breakfast and light refreshments will be provided daily for all delegates. However, delegates are responsible for arranging their own lunch and dinner.
No, a per diem will not be provided as part of this trade mission.
Delegates should bring business cards, promotional materials, relevant company information, and any materials that can aid in business presentations or discussions.
Dress codes may vary for different events. Business attire is generally recommended for meetings and seminars, while business casual attire is suitable for networking events.
Delegates can certainly extend their stay in Jamaica, but any additional accommodations and expenses beyond the official mission dates will be the delegate's responsibility.

© 2024 Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce
Contact Us: [email protected] P.O. Box 499 PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD, WEST INDIES.
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