Step 1 of 3 33% CRITERIA The Green Agenda Award recognises the contribution and commitment that companies now make towards growing a greener future in business today and delivering a new blueprint for business in the 21st Century. This company demonstrates leadership in implementing energy efficiency strategies and works to positively contribute to the promotion of a greener T&T. The business or organisation must be registered in Trinidad and Tobago The business or organization should have a written policy on sustainability The organization must demonstrate how its sustainability measures are implemented. Transferability: Show market potential for the realisation of similar projects in other companies (in the sector or across the board). Consideration will be given to companies which began the process of implementation of international sustainability and environmental standards, e.g. ISO14000, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB). Community involvement, corporate citizenship and support for initiatives targeted at advancing the green agenda, through advocacy, research, education or projects, e.g. school projects, supporting NGOs/Community projects. There are no finalists in this category CONTACT INFORMATION OF THE PERSON OR ORGANISATION SUBMITTING THIS NOMINATIONName: BUSINESS TELEPHONE #:MOBILE TELEPHONE #:Email: Enter Email Confirm Email Date: MM slash DD slash YYYY Name Of Nominee First Last Nominee Email Address Enter Email Confirm Email Nominee Phone Number center> About the Business: Please provide a description of the business.Please provide a description of the business. Written Policy on Green Agenda*How was the Green Agenda Implemented?TransferabilityConsideration will be given to the implementation of international sustainability and environmental standards, e.g. ISO14000, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB).Responsible Business PracticesDoes the company being nominated support or conduct any corporate social responsibility (CSR) or environmental social & governance (ESG) initiatives?ReportingAny supporting documents Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 50 MB.