Step 1 of 3


    The Entrepreneurship  Award –is presented to an individual or business that has been founded within the last 8 years and which has been experiencing strong growth.  The nominee must be an owner or leader of a private or public company with primary responsibility for the recent performance of the company, as well as be an active member of management. Non-founding entrepreneurs are also eligible if the individual manages the business and assumes the associated risks. The nominee must be exceptional visionary displaying inspirational leadership skills.

    • The nominee must be a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago and the business must be registered in, and operating in Trinidad & Tobago and demonstrate the creation of real shareholder value
    • The nominee’s business should still be operational and should have been registered on or after Jan 1, 2014, show strong commercial performance, financial results and demonstrate growth
    • The nominee and/or business must show proof of how they identified this market opportunity and be able to define and demonstrate the business’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
    • The nominee and/or business must have noticeably made a mark in the field, show customer engagement and loyalty strategies and the potential and plans for sustained growth
    • The nominee and/or business must practice good governance and responsible business practices and describe its ethical approach to business.
    • There are no finalists in this category