T&T Chamber calls for collaboration and decisive action on crime

For several years, citizens of Trinidad and Tobago have been crying out for the authorities and national leaders to address a sense of creeping anarchy. As a nation, our worst fears are now being realised, and the editorial of one newspaper on Sunday July 21st served as an unvarnished expression of frustration. The Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce fully supports these sentiments which highlights that the time for assertive action on crime is now.

T&T Chamber supports all measures to ensure confidence in the Police Service

The unprecedented and unsettling increase in serious crime has significantly impacted the public’s confidence in the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS). This low confidence is attributed to the apparent inability of the TTPS to prevent, detect and successfully prosecute crimes, and noticeably root out rogue elements within its ranks. It is an established fact that the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) suffers from low public confidence, largely as a result of perceived corruption within its ranks.